WELCOME TO FROLLO!FROLLO is an all-new inclusive art sharing website for aspiring young creators of the anthropomorphic persuasion. We hope that by spending time on our site you will come to know our values and what we stand for in a robust furry online community. BREAKING NEWS!THE DIOCESE HAS BEEN IN HEATED DEBATE OVER THE CONCEPT OF FURRY PORN. WE ARE NOW POLLING ALL USERS OF FROLLO TO VOTE IN THIS MATTER TO HELP SWAY THE WILL OF THE CHURCH. VOTE HERE NOW!FROLLO STANDS FOR HARM REDUCTIONFROLLO is very aware of the myriad wicked ways that diabolical abusers and predators can use furry art to lure our most precious children down the path of the zoophile. With the ever-looming threat of grooming in mind, we have ensured that no such predators will even think of joining our website by doing away with certain materials that may attract them, and any other person that may not be a zoophile but could contain the dormant seed of the beast and blossom into a raging, unstoppable animal abuser if they so much as once look upon a drawing of a cartoon beast with its tumescent sin appendage out for all to see. As such, we've established guidelines for what is considered to be acceptable furry content and what that means. FROLLO IS ALWAYS THINKING OF THE CHILDRENWe here at FROLLO want to make adult content safe for EVERYBODY, including the children who will inevitably lie about their age to access this website. Always at the fore of our minds are the children, even in the most heated discussions on what the acceptable levels of perversion are. We are always the first to bring up children and we will even bring them up in conversations unrelated to them because we simply just love children. We simply cannot fathom the idea of discussing any adult content without reminding others to think about children before daring to engage with sinful materials. Not a second goes by that we don't think about children, especially their spiritual purity and vulnerability, even though this is purportedly an adult website. After all, it's not our job to keep them out, it's to keep them safe! FROLLO CONTROLS CONTENT SO YOU DON'T HAVE TOFROLLO proudly boasts a strong and robust filtration system that allows you to block the tags of adult content you don't want to see, allowing you to curate what you consume on our site to maximize your comfort and enjoyment of your furry art experience. However, we understand how difficult it is to have responsibility for yourself and type out the tags you want to block in our filtering system, so we encourage users to post inflammatory screeds on our forums telling us which things make you uncomfortable and should thusly be purged from the site. If you couch it in the right language and baselessly accuse large swaths of people of being heretics, you can turn the will of the Diocese in your favor and eradicate all content you find objectionable until there's nothing left for anyone to post on FROLLO but the purest and most acceptable furry art. FROLLO'S CONTENT UPLOAD MODERATION (C.U.M.) POLICYWHAT IS AN ACCEPTABLE FURRY? An acceptable furry yields a strong, upright-standing spine to lend them more closeness to God. They have a flat face and small, rounded ears better to hear the words of Christ. Tails, known as the Devil's Broombrushes, are forbidden even if they do not sweep the ground. Feet must be flat and grounded to the Earth, and any exposed skin must be bare to God's light. Any animal parts at all will lead unwary, impure people down the path of sin and such it is forbidden. ANIMALS ARE THE ORIGINAL SINWe believe that any and all attraction to animalistic features is the gateway to zoophilia, and as such all adult content involving animalistic features is forbidden on our site. This includes muzzles, tails, ears, fur, paws, and most sickeningly of all, quadrupedalism. If your erotic drawing of a forbidden humanimal contains these features you will be excommunicated from our site and branded a zoophile to be mocked and scorned by your peers for eternities to come. Animals do not follow the laws of God and imitation of their behavior shows a rejection of Christ. Amalgamations of these beings and ours, especially if they possess four or more limbs, is debauchery most high and will not be permitted on FROLLO. ON PROFANE LANGUAGESubmissions to FROLLO can contain a maximum of five (5) profane words before they are in violation of the C.U.M. Policy. These profane words must not be references to genitalia or bodily emissions, nor should the Lord's name be used in vain. On the sixth profane word, uploaders will be doused in holy water and assigned mandatory scripture to read. ON THE MAW OF THE BEASTANY AND ALL VORE, including soft or hard vore, MUST BE CLEARLY MARKED WITH THE VORE TAG. We are subject to banning this content in the future depending on further consultation with the Diocese, but for now we are begrudgingly tolerating any art of conspicuous consumption in the name of the Church. However, in accordance to site rules, if this art involves a real, living beast on Earth today, it is forbidden from upload to FROLLO. Only fictitious beasts are permitted to be depicted devouring lesser creatures. ON ANIMAL TRANSFORMATIONAnimal transformation is a rejection of the divine image and a historical staple of dark Satanic rituals. Therefore, it is not permitted on FROLLO. Any users caught uploading artwork depicting a human transforming into an animal, especially if that animal has horns and cloven hooves, will be excommunicated from our site and all nearby dairy farms will be alerted of your spiritual degeneracy. ON SERPENTSANY AND ALL DEPICTIONS OF SERPENTS ARE FORBIDDEN. If you so much as think of these foul, sinful creatures as an accessory to erotic or fetishistic content, you are COMMITTING HERESY. This includes coiling, slithering, eye contact, and consumption. STOP ASKING US IF SERPENTS ARE EXEMPT FROM THE RULES AGAINST BEASTS. ON INCEST, GORE, AND RAPEWe're fine with this, carry on. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSWHAT ABOUT DINOSAURS?Dinosaurs are the most sinful and devilish creations. They no longer walk the Earth because they defied God with their tails, snouts, and degenerate digitigrade legs and paid the price for it. Attraction to dinosaurs is heresy most high and any adult content featuring these foul beings will be subject to severe punishment and contact with law enforcement. IS BIGFOOT EROTICA ACCEPTED UNDER C.U.M.?Bigfoot meets all of the qualifications of our platonic ideal of the Acceptable Furry: It stands upright, possesses no tail, has round ears, and has a flat face. Any erotic content involving Bigfoot is not only allowed but encouraged to be posted on FROLLO. Mothman erotica is also accepted, so long as it is depicted as standing upright. Cryptozoophilia is a virtue, so long as your cryptids stand on two feet, fins, or flippers! I DON'T AGREE WITH YOUR CONTENT POLICIES.That sounds like something a heretic would say. You're not a heretic, are you? ALWAYS REMEMBER:Humans are animals, and therefore being attracted to humans is zoophilia. |